Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Ann Coulter Video
Video of the call from Elizabeth Edwards to Ann Coulter is up on John Edwards' site. I checked YouTube for the whole thing and I don't see it. I'll keep checking though!
Ann Coulter...need I say more?
What is with this woman? I turned on Hardball and there she is with Chris Matthews. She honestly makes me want to vomit at her sight. Then she starts talking and it's so hard to keep my blood pressure down! She's called Bill Clinton a rapist. She's said the 911 Widows "enjoyed" the deaths of their husbands. She called John Edwards a faggot(ok, not directly.) She basically just says whatever she wants but most of all, she is just MEAN and I don't like mean people!
Elizabeth Edwards called into Hardball to ask Ann to stop her personal attacks because she feels it brings politics to a new low. Ann refused to even admit she'd made personal attacks. She refused to even answer Mrs. Edwards questions. Instead, she threw back insults and asked why a candidate's WIFE was calling asking her to be quiet.
That wasn't the point of the phone call for Mrs. Edwards. She mentioned Ann writing something about John Edwards having a bumper sticker about the death of their son. She was very upset about this column and I don't blame her. How low can a person sink? Disgusting. This woman just goes to new lows.
Elizabeth Edwards called in as a wife but mostly as a mother. Imagine if your child's memory was trashed that way? Just imagine. What would that do to you? These candidates are still people. They have feelings and emotions. What is it about cynical people who seem to think anyone who discusses their personal tragedies is a martyr? Get over it people! This family suffered a horrendous tragedy that no one should ever have to experience. Someday perhaps Ann will feel a little bit of karma.
Oh--and she just said that Scooter Libby should be pardoned because he made a mistake--however, Bill Clinton should have been REMOVED from office. The woman doesn't have a grain of rational, honest thought in her head.
Thank goodness it's time for Keith Olbermann!
Elizabeth Edwards called into Hardball to ask Ann to stop her personal attacks because she feels it brings politics to a new low. Ann refused to even admit she'd made personal attacks. She refused to even answer Mrs. Edwards questions. Instead, she threw back insults and asked why a candidate's WIFE was calling asking her to be quiet.
That wasn't the point of the phone call for Mrs. Edwards. She mentioned Ann writing something about John Edwards having a bumper sticker about the death of their son. She was very upset about this column and I don't blame her. How low can a person sink? Disgusting. This woman just goes to new lows.
Elizabeth Edwards called in as a wife but mostly as a mother. Imagine if your child's memory was trashed that way? Just imagine. What would that do to you? These candidates are still people. They have feelings and emotions. What is it about cynical people who seem to think anyone who discusses their personal tragedies is a martyr? Get over it people! This family suffered a horrendous tragedy that no one should ever have to experience. Someday perhaps Ann will feel a little bit of karma.
Oh--and she just said that Scooter Libby should be pardoned because he made a mistake--however, Bill Clinton should have been REMOVED from office. The woman doesn't have a grain of rational, honest thought in her head.
Thank goodness it's time for Keith Olbermann!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Someone Save Us!
In the fall of 1992, I was 22 and pregnant with my first child. Our country was a mess--so I felt. We needed someone to save us. Along came Bill. A young man from Hope, Arkansas brought much needed hope to us all. With Bill, came Hillary, of course.
Perhaps it was my pregnancy hormones, but I remember feeling desperate for someone to save our country back then. These days, I can't blame it on the hormones. I think we need someone to save us now even more!
The Clintons and the Gores were young. They had energy. They had ideas. They had beautiful families. Heck, they even had the perfect campaign song! Even today, everytime I hear "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" I'm drawn back to the night of November 3, 1992. They did bring us hope. Things DID get better under the Clinton administration. Our lives were better.
The past seven years with the current administration have dragged me down. I feel more desperation today than I did in 1992. I don't know if our problems can be fixed. I know it won't be easy. I don't know who the person to fix our country is, but I can honestly say that when I see Hillary on the campaign trail, I get that twinge of hope I felt almost 15 years ago. I'm starting to believe in her. I'm starting to think she can fix things, but I just don't know if the rest of America will give her the chance to do it.
I want to hope again. I want someone to listen to the conscience of this country. I want a leader who will work with others and not alienate the world. We NEED someone to save us. I think of the Dixie Chicks song, "I Hope." I hope for better things for our country and our children. I need someone to help give me the feeling that my hopes and dreams can come true. Who will be the one to save us this time?
Perhaps it was my pregnancy hormones, but I remember feeling desperate for someone to save our country back then. These days, I can't blame it on the hormones. I think we need someone to save us now even more!
The Clintons and the Gores were young. They had energy. They had ideas. They had beautiful families. Heck, they even had the perfect campaign song! Even today, everytime I hear "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" I'm drawn back to the night of November 3, 1992. They did bring us hope. Things DID get better under the Clinton administration. Our lives were better.
The past seven years with the current administration have dragged me down. I feel more desperation today than I did in 1992. I don't know if our problems can be fixed. I know it won't be easy. I don't know who the person to fix our country is, but I can honestly say that when I see Hillary on the campaign trail, I get that twinge of hope I felt almost 15 years ago. I'm starting to believe in her. I'm starting to think she can fix things, but I just don't know if the rest of America will give her the chance to do it.
I want to hope again. I want someone to listen to the conscience of this country. I want a leader who will work with others and not alienate the world. We NEED someone to save us. I think of the Dixie Chicks song, "I Hope." I hope for better things for our country and our children. I need someone to help give me the feeling that my hopes and dreams can come true. Who will be the one to save us this time?
Maybe Crime Won't Pay for Paris
This morning we heard that NBC had snagged a deal with Paris Hilton for her first interview after being released from her jail stay. Reportedly, the deal included payment of a cool $1 million for "exclusive video, pictures, and materials" from Paris and her family. Sure. Over the course of the day, I heard yelping around the world about NBC paying for an interview. Now, it seems the interview is off. Apparently ABC and Barbara Walters also walked away from a deal(they offered $100,000.) So it looks like the mainstream media isn't going to pay Paris for her crimes. Good.
Ever since this all started with Paris, I've been trying to figure out the fascination. I don't get it. She's a 28 year old unemployed heiress who gets paid to make personal appearances at parties and events. That's how she makes money! What makes her so interesting to the rest of the country? I have to wonder if the rest of the country even cares because no one I knew was dying to find out what was going to happen to Paris as MSNBC and all the other news networks kept things focused on her house that fateful day.
Is it the MEDIA? Are they deciding this new slant on the news? They claim they're giving the American public what it wants, but have they bothered to really ASK us? There's nothing wrong with a blurb about a celebrity now and then, but to spend hours on end talking about a rich heiress' trip to the slammer seems a little much. What happens to her isn't going to affect me.
What happens in Iraq IS going to affect me. Is it the art of distraction? If they fill the airwaves and web with useless news about celebrities, then we can't focus on all the atrocities happening within this administration. While everyone has been discussing Paris, more of our soldiers died in Iraq. More of our young men were injured in the line of duty. While we talked about Paris, the price of gas went up, but the gas companies made more profits. While we talked about Paris, Vice President Cheney refused to comply with an executive order and actually tried to abolish the office set up to enforce those rules! Did you know that?
Probably not because NBC, ABC, CNN and all those other news outlets were too busy telling you about Paris and her hard luck time in jail.
Ever since this all started with Paris, I've been trying to figure out the fascination. I don't get it. She's a 28 year old unemployed heiress who gets paid to make personal appearances at parties and events. That's how she makes money! What makes her so interesting to the rest of the country? I have to wonder if the rest of the country even cares because no one I knew was dying to find out what was going to happen to Paris as MSNBC and all the other news networks kept things focused on her house that fateful day.
Is it the MEDIA? Are they deciding this new slant on the news? They claim they're giving the American public what it wants, but have they bothered to really ASK us? There's nothing wrong with a blurb about a celebrity now and then, but to spend hours on end talking about a rich heiress' trip to the slammer seems a little much. What happens to her isn't going to affect me.
What happens in Iraq IS going to affect me. Is it the art of distraction? If they fill the airwaves and web with useless news about celebrities, then we can't focus on all the atrocities happening within this administration. While everyone has been discussing Paris, more of our soldiers died in Iraq. More of our young men were injured in the line of duty. While we talked about Paris, the price of gas went up, but the gas companies made more profits. While we talked about Paris, Vice President Cheney refused to comply with an executive order and actually tried to abolish the office set up to enforce those rules! Did you know that?
Probably not because NBC, ABC, CNN and all those other news outlets were too busy telling you about Paris and her hard luck time in jail.
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Why Mommy Is a Democrat
What a great idea for a book! I wish this book had been around when my kids were younger. It looks like a great way to explain the Democratic Party and all we stand for. You can get a copy there or you can go support Little Democrats with your order. It's never too early to start teaching your kids about the Democratic Party.
Please help
Please take a moment to watch this video and take action. This needs to become law! Stop what happened to Matthew Shepard from ever happening again to ANYONE!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Bush vetoes stem cell legislation
While it isn't exactly a surprise, it's certainly another example of this administration's total lack of concern for what the majority in this country view as important. This infuriates me! The quality of life for so many could be improved with advancement in stem cell research. We could even find a cure for such awful diseases as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's! Why do we want to stop that if it's done in a responsible way? I don't understand.
Embryos are destroyed almost every day in fertility clinics around the country. Why shouldn't they be used for good? I don't understand.
We have babies born with awful diseases. We have elderly people with debilitating illnesses and we are supposed to take some moral high ground and let them suffer because it's "God's will?" I don't understand.
This administration confuses me. There is some desire to preserve the sanctity of life, but since we invaded Iraq over 650,000 Iraqis have died. Where is the moral high ground in that argument? Is an embryo's "life" more important than a 2 yr old Iraqi child's life?
I just don't understand.
While it isn't exactly a surprise, it's certainly another example of this administration's total lack of concern for what the majority in this country view as important. This infuriates me! The quality of life for so many could be improved with advancement in stem cell research. We could even find a cure for such awful diseases as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's! Why do we want to stop that if it's done in a responsible way? I don't understand.
Embryos are destroyed almost every day in fertility clinics around the country. Why shouldn't they be used for good? I don't understand.
We have babies born with awful diseases. We have elderly people with debilitating illnesses and we are supposed to take some moral high ground and let them suffer because it's "God's will?" I don't understand.
This administration confuses me. There is some desire to preserve the sanctity of life, but since we invaded Iraq over 650,000 Iraqis have died. Where is the moral high ground in that argument? Is an embryo's "life" more important than a 2 yr old Iraqi child's life?
I just don't understand.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Bloomberg Leaves Republican Party
What does this mean? I have no idea. I hope it doesn't mean another 2000 a la Nader! :( I don't know if an Independent Bloomberg run is more divisive for the Dems or the Repugs. Time will tell.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Losers yet again
Once again, The View didn't win for Best Daytime Talk Show or for Talk Show Hosts. Surprisingly, not even Rosie could bring them the Emmy. If anyone deserved it though, it was Rosie. She brought something to The View that daytime has never seen before. She was an opinionated woman who didn't back down.
Whether or not you agree with Rosie, you have to admit she has guts. I wasn't one to sit and nod my head at everything she said. I don't buy into all the conspiracy theories. I don't agree with her on every issue, but I respect her opinion. I hadn't watched The View in a long time because it was boring to me. I'd heard enough talk about Meredith's underwear to last me a lifetime.
I started watching out of curiousity and eventually set my Tivo to catch the show on a daily basis. I was watching live with my husband that fateful day. We both sat there stunned as the very public argument took center stage. We saw it life. We saw the emotion. A lot has been said about that, so I won't really go into it. I don't blame Rosie for leaving and not looking back.
While she didn't win The View the Emmy, she did win a lot of respect from me and many others. Women who watch The View were presented with something a lot different this past year. They were given a different voice. They were shown a different way of thinking. If Rosie opened just one mind, she did a world of good.
Whether or not you agree with Rosie, you have to admit she has guts. I wasn't one to sit and nod my head at everything she said. I don't buy into all the conspiracy theories. I don't agree with her on every issue, but I respect her opinion. I hadn't watched The View in a long time because it was boring to me. I'd heard enough talk about Meredith's underwear to last me a lifetime.
I started watching out of curiousity and eventually set my Tivo to catch the show on a daily basis. I was watching live with my husband that fateful day. We both sat there stunned as the very public argument took center stage. We saw it life. We saw the emotion. A lot has been said about that, so I won't really go into it. I don't blame Rosie for leaving and not looking back.
While she didn't win The View the Emmy, she did win a lot of respect from me and many others. Women who watch The View were presented with something a lot different this past year. They were given a different voice. They were shown a different way of thinking. If Rosie opened just one mind, she did a world of good.
A real fear
As a mom, I'm worried. My kids are 14 and 11 and I'm afraid of what the world is going to be like for them by the time they're my age if something doesn't start changing soon! My son is 11 and will have to register for the draft in just 7 short years. Will we be out of Iraq by then? My fear is we won't. My biggest fear is the draft will be reinstated and he will be taken away to fight in some war we don't agree with. How would I cope with that?
My thoughts go to all the moms out there--moms like Cindy Sheehan--who have lost their sons in this unnecessary war. I stood against this "war" from the beginning. I didn't see a need. Whatever happened to diplomacy? When did the US become such a bully? I think I know the answer to that question. It was on Jan. 20, 2001.
We've lost well over 3000 of our young men in Iraq and Afghanistan, but how about those who have returned without limbs or with debilitating injuries? Those are many, many more thousand. I don't want my child to be one of those. I don't want anyone's child to be one of those.
My thoughts go to all the moms out there--moms like Cindy Sheehan--who have lost their sons in this unnecessary war. I stood against this "war" from the beginning. I didn't see a need. Whatever happened to diplomacy? When did the US become such a bully? I think I know the answer to that question. It was on Jan. 20, 2001.
We've lost well over 3000 of our young men in Iraq and Afghanistan, but how about those who have returned without limbs or with debilitating injuries? Those are many, many more thousand. I don't want my child to be one of those. I don't want anyone's child to be one of those.
Which Democrat?
Hillary has a double digit lead over Obama right now. I'm still torn. I love Hillary. I would love to see the Clintons back in the White House, but can she win? The Democrats HAVE to give us someone with a chance to win this time. Our country is bad shape. This war is taking its toll on all of us in so many ways. Gas prices are unbelievably out of control. We have a president who calls it "his" government. People are disillusioned. Many are scared.
We need someone who can bring us out of this. Is Hillary the right person? I don't know. Stay tuned and we'll dissect the primaries, caucuses, debates and everything else right here.
We need someone who can bring us out of this. Is Hillary the right person? I don't know. Stay tuned and we'll dissect the primaries, caucuses, debates and everything else right here.
Why I'm here
I'm creating this blog because over the next year or so, I'm going to need a place to vent, write and scream about the political state of our country. My family grows tired of my rants, but I'm hoping someone out there will understand and will find them interesting to read. Even if you don't, I'll be ok because it helps just to type!
Enlist and become a citizen!
How crazy is this? Part of the provisions of the The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, or DREAM Act, would give immediate legal status and eventually full citizenship for illegal immigrants who enlist in our military. You can read more about it here.
It says that at least 750,000 illegal immigrants would be eligible for this "program" and it would be great for our military. Well, I'm sure it would! We need to build up with so many of our soldiers dead and wounded from this Iraq "War."
I watched an "expert" on MSNBC this morning and was floored when he said that our military would only take the "brightest and the best" of the illegals just like they do right now. Huh? Did this guy miss Fahrenheit 9/11? HELLO!! While it isn't true for everyone, our military is made up of many young men and women who see it as their only way to an education and a way out. Why are recruiters so busy in low income areas? If you're going to college, the recruiters don't call, but they're only going to take the "best and brightest" of the immigrants? Sure.
It says that at least 750,000 illegal immigrants would be eligible for this "program" and it would be great for our military. Well, I'm sure it would! We need to build up with so many of our soldiers dead and wounded from this Iraq "War."
I watched an "expert" on MSNBC this morning and was floored when he said that our military would only take the "brightest and the best" of the illegals just like they do right now. Huh? Did this guy miss Fahrenheit 9/11? HELLO!! While it isn't true for everyone, our military is made up of many young men and women who see it as their only way to an education and a way out. Why are recruiters so busy in low income areas? If you're going to college, the recruiters don't call, but they're only going to take the "best and brightest" of the immigrants? Sure.
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