Newt Gingrich has announced he will NOT run for the Republican nomination. Can we hope this means that he realizes the Republicans don't have a chance in hell to win this one?
Ahhhh...I can hope anyway!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Who cares?
So, Donald Trump thinks Dan Rather is a "loser?" WHO CARES? Someone explain to me why this is "news?"
I was watching CNN today while they spent time on this "story." Why are Donald Trumps opinions of any value? Is it because he has money? Is it because he screams and spouts off loudly? What is it about him?
We don't hear Bill Gates calling people "losers" or any of the nasty things that Donald Trump makes a living off of doing. I wonder why that is. Well, I'll leave that up to you to figure out.
As far as Dan being a "loser," he should feel like he's in good company. The guy with the bad comb-over also called Rosie that at every opportunity. Hang in there, Dan. You're not a loser. Standing up for what you believe in is right. It's the true American way. Hopefully the lawsuit will bring attention to what is going on in this country with our media.
I was watching CNN today while they spent time on this "story." Why are Donald Trumps opinions of any value? Is it because he has money? Is it because he screams and spouts off loudly? What is it about him?
We don't hear Bill Gates calling people "losers" or any of the nasty things that Donald Trump makes a living off of doing. I wonder why that is. Well, I'll leave that up to you to figure out.
As far as Dan being a "loser," he should feel like he's in good company. The guy with the bad comb-over also called Rosie that at every opportunity. Hang in there, Dan. You're not a loser. Standing up for what you believe in is right. It's the true American way. Hopefully the lawsuit will bring attention to what is going on in this country with our media.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Is it 2007?
Is it 2007? Are we sure about that? Stories like what is going in Louisiana with the Jena Six and also this story out of West Virginia truly make me wonder. It seems that racism is still alive in this country, almost forty years after the death of Martin Luther King.
Don't you wonder why? I wonder how. I wonder how this ignorance still pervades our society. We should be raising our kids to not let race divide. We should be raising them to see everyone as equals--to see us all as one society.
Children do not inherently see differences. This kind of racism--this kind of prejudice--is a learned behavior and parents need to realize that. They need to take responsibility and teach their kids racism is not acceptable. My kids certainly know that.
I'm disgusted that the case in WV is not being prosecuted as a hate crime. How much more hate-filled could something be? She was repeated called the n-word. She was told she was going to be hanged! They actually put a pillowcase over her head and told her they were going to hang her. HOW IS THIS NOT HATE?
The hatred that compells monsters like these to do these things is something I don't understand. I don't have that hatred in me. I can't imagine that hatred. I can't imagine the evilness. It disgusts me. I'm heartbroken for Megan and I'm heart-broken for those children in Jena. Adults have not done their jobs there. Ignorance is rampant.
Is that what it boils down to? Ignorance? If it is, we have a lot of educating to do because I'm starting to think we're all the way back in 1950.
Don't you wonder why? I wonder how. I wonder how this ignorance still pervades our society. We should be raising our kids to not let race divide. We should be raising them to see everyone as equals--to see us all as one society.
Children do not inherently see differences. This kind of racism--this kind of prejudice--is a learned behavior and parents need to realize that. They need to take responsibility and teach their kids racism is not acceptable. My kids certainly know that.
I'm disgusted that the case in WV is not being prosecuted as a hate crime. How much more hate-filled could something be? She was repeated called the n-word. She was told she was going to be hanged! They actually put a pillowcase over her head and told her they were going to hang her. HOW IS THIS NOT HATE?
The hatred that compells monsters like these to do these things is something I don't understand. I don't have that hatred in me. I can't imagine that hatred. I can't imagine the evilness. It disgusts me. I'm heartbroken for Megan and I'm heart-broken for those children in Jena. Adults have not done their jobs there. Ignorance is rampant.
Is that what it boils down to? Ignorance? If it is, we have a lot of educating to do because I'm starting to think we're all the way back in 1950.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Mothers and Hollywood

Apparently, Patricia Heaton disagreed with Sally Field's acceptance speech and her plea for the end of the war. This is what she had to say about it.
"I've actually become a more violent person since I became a mother," the "Back to You" star told us. "If someone came between me and my kids, they'd be dead meat. So I didn't agree with that particular statement."
Remind me not to schedule any playdates with her kids! What is she missing here? She's missing that women are less likely to use violence to solve problems. There are many studies that support that fact. She's missing that women are more likely to sit down and talk rather than shoot first and ask questions later.
Are some conservative "Christians" so willing to support the bad road this president is taking us down that they turn a blind eye to the truth? Obviously that answer is yes, but to totally deny that mothers would work more towards peace is sad to me. As mothers, we'd be the ones sending our children off to war and I don't think that ANY mother wants to see another mother lose a child.
If you do, you're a heartless mother. What Sally Field said can be taken in more general terms. It was a call for an end to needless deaths and a plea for peace. Doesn't everyone want to see the world at peace? Is that an awful wish to have?
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Why was Sally censored?
When Sally Field won her Emmy tonight, she spoke out against the war in Iraq. Unfortunately, Fox cut off her speech. At the end, she said
:"If mothers ruled the world, there wouldn't be any god-damned wars in the first place."She was cut after "god." Now, one can argue that she swore and the word was censored, but if they were censoring her naughty word, why didn't they simply cut the audio? Why did they totally cut to something that looked like a technical problelm? We CLEARLY saw Katharine Heigel say "SHIT" when her name was announced as a winner. The audio was cut, but you could see what she said. Why didn't they cut to this same shot then? Could it have anything to do with it being FOX? Hmmmm...I don't know. I really don't. I want to think it was because of the word, but I just don't trust Fox at all. You be the judge.
Oprah endorses Obama
So the big news last week was Oprah's endorsement of Obama for president. What does that mean?
As the article so eloquently states, Oprah's endorsement of everything from books to beauty products to snacks(think of her "Favorite Things" shows) lead to great success for the authors and companies that produce the products. What will her endorsement of a political candidate do for him?
She's stated she won't have any of the other candidates on her show. In one way, I can understand that, but in another, I have issues with it. No, hers is not a news show, but let's face it, a LOT of women get "news" about current events from her show. Is it a matter of manipulating the flow or information for the critical female demographic?
Or will it matter at all? I rarely watch Oprah's show these days. Her endorsement doesn't matter to me any more than it would matter to me what Britney Spears said about a politician. I just really don't care what celebrities think. I can make up my own mind.
My big question is this--what happens if Obama does NOT win the nomination? Will Oprah then let the Democratic candidate on her show? I just wonder what that will be like.
As the article so eloquently states, Oprah's endorsement of everything from books to beauty products to snacks(think of her "Favorite Things" shows) lead to great success for the authors and companies that produce the products. What will her endorsement of a political candidate do for him?
She's stated she won't have any of the other candidates on her show. In one way, I can understand that, but in another, I have issues with it. No, hers is not a news show, but let's face it, a LOT of women get "news" about current events from her show. Is it a matter of manipulating the flow or information for the critical female demographic?
Or will it matter at all? I rarely watch Oprah's show these days. Her endorsement doesn't matter to me any more than it would matter to me what Britney Spears said about a politician. I just really don't care what celebrities think. I can make up my own mind.
My big question is this--what happens if Obama does NOT win the nomination? Will Oprah then let the Democratic candidate on her show? I just wonder what that will be like.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Shop with Rosie

I just got this email from (Yeah, I'm on her mailing list. Yeah, I ask her questions on her blog on a regular basis. Is that a problem? ;))
You can get an additional 25% off the entire line of kids items already reduced in the store when you enter SPM123 at check out.*
Some of the cool items include a kidz in the hoodie, a color me tee, and a spin banker.
To view the entire line of kids products,
click here.
As always, 100% of profits go to help kids in need.
Bummer...the Peace tees aren't included, but still some cool stuff and you get to have a warm, fuzzy feeling because you're helping kids!
YOU can have lunch with Hill & Bill!
Oh dear. What to do? Donate or pay my Visa bill. Hmmmmm...lunch with Hill and Bill. I don't know how I would cope! Just in case you haven't heard about this, here's the Myspace bulletin!
Last day to vote on profile song & Lunch with Hillary
Last Day To Vote On Our Profile Song
Pink Dear Mr. President is currently winning.
Here is your chance to have lunch with Hillary
Hillary is holding a contest. To be eligible for Lunch with Hillary all you have to do is contribute between now and midnight Friday, September 7.
From the
"Let's do lunch. Let's talk, you and me -- about whatever you'd like. Our hopes. Our goals. Our work. The weather. Maybe even politics.
I think it would be fun to have you over for lunch, at my table, in my home in Washington. You and I both know that we need a serious change of direction in this country. So let's sit down for a meal and talk about exactly the best way to make that change a reality.
Of course, that change can't happen if we don't win. So I'm asking you today to demonstrate your commitment to real change by supporting my campaign with a contribution. We're going to choose one supporter to come to my house in DC, along with a guest, to share lunch and talk. And if you contribute between now and midnight Friday, September 7, it could be you."
Click Here to Donate to the Hillary Campaign
Hillary News Sept 6th 2007
-Clinton Launches First Ad in New Hampshire
-Poll: Clinton Holds Strong Lead in South Carolina
-Hillary Continues to Lead the Pack
-Roadtrippers Pick Hillary
-Hillary's NV Supporters Hosting Univision Forum Watch Parties this Weekend
-Poll: Hillary's Lead Grows in Michigan
-Clinton: The Change We Need
-WA King County Exec Sims Backs Hillary
-Stumping with Burgers and Bill
-Video of Hillary on Ellen Degeneres Show
-Hillary Clinton's Personal Touch
-Hillary Highlights from the road
Click Here for Hillary Banners for your Myspace
Help EDin08 (education campaign)
Edin08 had some Myspace problems and their 1300 friends disappeared. Please head over and add as a friend and leave a comment showing your support for Education.
Other Education News
Kanye West releases Video PSA on Education
Please go HERE and rate this video
Click Here to Donate to the Hillary Campaign
Last day to vote on profile song & Lunch with Hillary
Last Day To Vote On Our Profile Song
Pink Dear Mr. President is currently winning.
Here is your chance to have lunch with Hillary
Hillary is holding a contest. To be eligible for Lunch with Hillary all you have to do is contribute between now and midnight Friday, September 7.
From the
"Let's do lunch. Let's talk, you and me -- about whatever you'd like. Our hopes. Our goals. Our work. The weather. Maybe even politics.
I think it would be fun to have you over for lunch, at my table, in my home in Washington. You and I both know that we need a serious change of direction in this country. So let's sit down for a meal and talk about exactly the best way to make that change a reality.
Of course, that change can't happen if we don't win. So I'm asking you today to demonstrate your commitment to real change by supporting my campaign with a contribution. We're going to choose one supporter to come to my house in DC, along with a guest, to share lunch and talk. And if you contribute between now and midnight Friday, September 7, it could be you."
Click Here to Donate to the Hillary Campaign
Hillary News Sept 6th 2007
-Clinton Launches First Ad in New Hampshire
-Poll: Clinton Holds Strong Lead in South Carolina
-Hillary Continues to Lead the Pack
-Roadtrippers Pick Hillary
-Hillary's NV Supporters Hosting Univision Forum Watch Parties this Weekend
-Poll: Hillary's Lead Grows in Michigan
-Clinton: The Change We Need
-WA King County Exec Sims Backs Hillary
-Stumping with Burgers and Bill
-Video of Hillary on Ellen Degeneres Show
-Hillary Clinton's Personal Touch
-Hillary Highlights from the road
Click Here for Hillary Banners for your Myspace
Help EDin08 (education campaign)
Edin08 had some Myspace problems and their 1300 friends disappeared. Please head over and add as a friend and leave a comment showing your support for Education.
Other Education News
Kanye West releases Video PSA on Education
Please go HERE and rate this video
Click Here to Donate to the Hillary Campaign
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Stupid quote of the day
Unlike Clinton, you won't find him in the lobby of the UN six years from now.
Who said that, you ask? Take one guess. Apparently, an interview with our esteemed president included that quote. He ran into President Clinton in the lobby of the UN a while back and that was his reaction. He's not going to waste his time on issues that matter, I guess. He needs to line his coffers a bit, make more money and chop some more wood. Whoo-whee doggies! All I can say is GOOD! That means he'll be out of the public eye for a while.
(I don't know who would pay him to speak though--especially with someone like President Clinton available!)
Who said that, you ask? Take one guess. Apparently, an interview with our esteemed president included that quote. He ran into President Clinton in the lobby of the UN a while back and that was his reaction. He's not going to waste his time on issues that matter, I guess. He needs to line his coffers a bit, make more money and chop some more wood. Whoo-whee doggies! All I can say is GOOD! That means he'll be out of the public eye for a while.
(I don't know who would pay him to speak though--especially with someone like President Clinton available!)
Monday, September 3, 2007
It's my chance
I have a crush on Bill Clinton. You know how most women have things for movies stars or soap actors? Well, I have a thing for politicians. As for Bill, I don't call him Mr. Clinton. I don't call him President Clinton. Around our house, I just call him "my Bill." I know it isn't good. I'm married, for goodness sake! I have two kids.
There's just something about him...
So, the other day, my husband tells me that Bill is coming to town for a fundraiser. Then in the next breath, he says, "But you're not going! Don't get any ideas." Oh no. It's my chance!
To be honest, I'd probably stumble over myself if I ever came face to face with him. I joke about my crush, but really and truly, meeting him would be an honor. I view him to be one of the best presidents of our time. I admire him greatly and just seeing him speak in person would be the highlight of my life. He turned our country around 14 years ago and I'm hoping his wife can do the same thing in '08.
I'll keep you updated on this one...
There's just something about him...
So, the other day, my husband tells me that Bill is coming to town for a fundraiser. Then in the next breath, he says, "But you're not going! Don't get any ideas." Oh no. It's my chance!
To be honest, I'd probably stumble over myself if I ever came face to face with him. I joke about my crush, but really and truly, meeting him would be an honor. I view him to be one of the best presidents of our time. I admire him greatly and just seeing him speak in person would be the highlight of my life. He turned our country around 14 years ago and I'm hoping his wife can do the same thing in '08.
I'll keep you updated on this one...
Mothers 4 Peace
Look for this video to cause more trouble for Rosie. She just posted it on her blog at
I'm torn. I have to admit it is powerful. I have to admit it's thought-provoking. I have to admit it makes me uncomfortable to watch. Perhaps that is the point. I'm sure it's not supposed to be easy.
I also have to admit that it bothers me on some level that she could be construed as using her own children--young and innocent--to further her cause. It's the same argument used when little Vivi's picture was posted on her blog in her camoflage. So is Rosie using her kids? Or is she just expressing herself?
These are her children. You can tell she is a loving mom. She's full of compassion for kids. She's full of love for her children. Why would she use her kids? Perhaps to save other kids? To those who will yell she's using her children's faces to further her cause, you must think the video itself wasn't originally made to use as it has been used. It was just an innocent conversation between a mom and her 2 year old.
Whatever Rosie's message is, I think at the least she has accomplished getting attention focused on the war. Perhaps she's onto something. Posting controversial things like this will give attention to the cause. Maybe she isn't "using" her kids to further her cause, but rather "using" the media. The sleazy, tabloids are going to be all over that video and perhaps that is her goal. If so, that's pretty damned smart.
Signed -
Another Mom for Peace
I'm torn. I have to admit it is powerful. I have to admit it's thought-provoking. I have to admit it makes me uncomfortable to watch. Perhaps that is the point. I'm sure it's not supposed to be easy.
I also have to admit that it bothers me on some level that she could be construed as using her own children--young and innocent--to further her cause. It's the same argument used when little Vivi's picture was posted on her blog in her camoflage. So is Rosie using her kids? Or is she just expressing herself?
These are her children. You can tell she is a loving mom. She's full of compassion for kids. She's full of love for her children. Why would she use her kids? Perhaps to save other kids? To those who will yell she's using her children's faces to further her cause, you must think the video itself wasn't originally made to use as it has been used. It was just an innocent conversation between a mom and her 2 year old.
Whatever Rosie's message is, I think at the least she has accomplished getting attention focused on the war. Perhaps she's onto something. Posting controversial things like this will give attention to the cause. Maybe she isn't "using" her kids to further her cause, but rather "using" the media. The sleazy, tabloids are going to be all over that video and perhaps that is her goal. If so, that's pretty damned smart.
Signed -
Another Mom for Peace
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