Monday, September 3, 2007

Mothers 4 Peace

Look for this video to cause more trouble for Rosie. She just posted it on her blog at

I'm torn. I have to admit it is powerful. I have to admit it's thought-provoking. I have to admit it makes me uncomfortable to watch. Perhaps that is the point. I'm sure it's not supposed to be easy.

I also have to admit that it bothers me on some level that she could be construed as using her own children--young and innocent--to further her cause. It's the same argument used when little Vivi's picture was posted on her blog in her camoflage. So is Rosie using her kids? Or is she just expressing herself?

These are her children. You can tell she is a loving mom. She's full of compassion for kids. She's full of love for her children. Why would she use her kids? Perhaps to save other kids? To those who will yell she's using her children's faces to further her cause, you must think the video itself wasn't originally made to use as it has been used. It was just an innocent conversation between a mom and her 2 year old.

Whatever Rosie's message is, I think at the least she has accomplished getting attention focused on the war. Perhaps she's onto something. Posting controversial things like this will give attention to the cause. Maybe she isn't "using" her kids to further her cause, but rather "using" the media. The sleazy, tabloids are going to be all over that video and perhaps that is her goal. If so, that's pretty damned smart.

Signed -
Another Mom for Peace

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