Tuesday, January 8, 2008

One down! Many more to go!

I took a little hiatus from politics. I needed some time to recharge my mind...and my heart. Tonight, I realized I had to come back. It's in my soul. I was very disappointed when Hillary didn't win in Iowa. You know, it's nothing against Obama. It's just that it means so much to me--as a woman--to see another woman succeed! I want it so much for us. I want it for our kids. I admire Senator Clinton a great deal. I feel a bit of a kinship with her just because she's a mom.

I listened to the talking heads over the past few days. They all said she was going to lose--BIG. I was heartsick. I don't live in New Hampshire, so there was nothing I could do about it except hope their polls were wrong. I felt a dream I had for myself--for my daughter--slipping away. Unless you've been under a rock, however, you know...

Hillary won! Hillary Clinton WON the New Hampshire Democratic Presidential Primary! No woman has EVER won a presidential primary! HISTORY HAS BEEN MADE!

I woke my kids to watch her speech. I cried. It was historic. Once again, I have hope. When she said she listened to NH and found her own voice, it was what I needed to hear. I think her message will resonate with many in the country. I know we have a long way to go, but I have hope. I'm starting to hear "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" in my head just like I did in 1992. And I'm starting to allow hope to enter my heart the way it hasn't in almost eight years.

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