Monday, July 30, 2007

Go Mel!

NBC didn't show this. I wonder why. Nothing more to say. Just watch.

Liberal Propaganda

We were watching Wife Swap tonight. Usually, the show gives us a lot of entertainment. Tonight, it gave me some food for thought. In case you've never watched the show, they take the moms from two very different families and have them swap lives for two weeks. The first week, the moms have to follow the "house rules" of the family who lives in the house and the second week, they get to change the rules and try to give the family a different perspective.

Tonight's show pitted a very liberal, pacifist mom against a former military, pro-Bush family. As I watched, I found it interesting the differences in the way they were portrayed. The liberal family was shown as being a little "cuckoo" with an out of control anarchist son. The more conservative family was shown as hard-working, God-Fearing, and patriotic.

I found it very interesting that the military mom made the liberals get rid of all their peace signs and even their gay acceptance flag. When she heard it was for gay acceptance, she said "Well, that has to go then." What in the world is that? Of course, as she pulled it down, she said she wasn't homophobic. Whatever. The voiceover even talked about how she was having them get rid of their liberal propaganda. A peace sign is "liberal propaganda?" The spin permeates everything, I suppose.

Liberal Mom didn't make them pack up their W mugs. Liberal Mom just took away the toy guns and weapons. Then Liberal Mom let the kids PLAY. Play was something that wasn't allowed in the house before. They were always cleaning. Interesting that the conservative dad seemed to like what she brought to them.

I'm still thinking about the "liberal propaganda." It bugs me. Yes, it bugs me a great deal. At least the angry son did get in that the 9/11 hijackers were not from Iraq. He was mean and angry, but perhaps someone heard.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Inside the Surge

Why aren't things like this being shown on American news channels? I truly have to wonder. Sad. Please watch.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I haven't blogged here in a while. There have been a lot of things I've wanted to share with you and I will think "Oh! I need to go blog about that." Then time gets away from me. The kids need me. My husband needs me. Life needs me and so I don't make it here.

I read this really amazing interview with Elizabeth Edwards on I know I've said I'm supporting Hillary, but I almost wish Elizabeth was a candidate. I have tremendous respect for this woman. She's dealt with so much in her life and she is a fighter. If I thought John Edwards had a real shot, I'd be behind him completely. Who knows what can happen in the next year though...

That brings me to this video. It does ask a question. What is more important? Hair or real issues? I think the Edwards campaign did a fab job with this one! Enjoy!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Since the "president" commuted the sentence of Scooter Libby, I've listened to all the controversy. I heard the Clintons speak out. I heard the criticism of the Clintons for speaking out. I am SICK OF IT. I haven't gone through all the pardons that President Clinton gave, but I do know that no one died and our national security wasn't put at risk by any of HIS pardons.

I'm just disgusted by it all. Our country is a mess. We have lost over 3500 of our young men and women in Iraq. We have thousands more who have returned wounded forever. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are dead and why, why, WHY are we talking about this? Why did this even happen? Why is this even an issue?

To me it is an issue because it doesn't feel as though our country is a democracy any longer. It feels as though we have a dictator in control of our country. When our "leader" says repeatedly that he is the "decider" and he knows best, when that leader feels he apparently answers to no one, then what do we have? I'm scared. I am scared for us. I'm scared for our children. I'm scared for our future, but do you know what is even worse? I'm tired of being scared. I'm tired of the way this administration has used fear to somehow drag us all down. I'm just plain angry. It's time for this to end.

It's time for those of us who are outraged to speak out. It's time for us to stop writing about it on the internet and to start doing all we can to get a viable candidate elected in 2008 who can change theis country and turn it around. I campaigned for Kerry in '04. I went door to door, but I don't think it was enough. This time, I'll do more--for whomever the Democrats select as their candidate.

Until this past week, I've been undecided, but watching things unfold, I've made a conscious decision to support Hillary Clinton to the absolute best of my ability. Seeing Bill and Hillary Clinton standing together has given me a sense of security. I have confidence in them. I have faith that they can bring our country back to where it needs to be. I have a strong belief that with Hillary as our president, somehow, she will be able to bring back the respect we have lost from the rest of the world. When I see them together, I dare to hope. I hope that in November 2008, I wake to a different world.

No one can say it like Keith. I'll just let his words speak for me.

Monday, July 2, 2007

It's Kate Jackson!

Look! It looks like one of Charlie's Angels is heading onto Air Force One! What the hell is up with that gold suit that looks straight out of 1975? It really looks GOLD on tv.

Scooter can keep scooting

Let me get this straight. You can lie to a grand jury leading to your conviction on the charge of perjury by a jury of your peers and have your sentence commuted because your buddy, the president, decides that the sentence was "too harsh," yet if you lie to a bunch of witch hunters about whether or not you got a blow job you should be stoned? This, my friends, is what is WRONG with this world.

The witch hunt led against President Clinton was a major invasion of privacy. Nothing Clinton did with his intern put anyone else(aside from his wife) at risk. The investigation into who leaked Valerie Plame's name to the media which could have put our intelligence at risk was a REAL investigation. There was a true reason for the investigation--not just a right wing obsession about a president's sex life.

If you aren't angry, you aren't paying attention! Get with it people. Call, write, email! Let them know how you feel.

Most of all, please get out there and VOTE. I'm so disgusted, I just don't think I can write anything else.