Monday, July 2, 2007

Scooter can keep scooting

Let me get this straight. You can lie to a grand jury leading to your conviction on the charge of perjury by a jury of your peers and have your sentence commuted because your buddy, the president, decides that the sentence was "too harsh," yet if you lie to a bunch of witch hunters about whether or not you got a blow job you should be stoned? This, my friends, is what is WRONG with this world.

The witch hunt led against President Clinton was a major invasion of privacy. Nothing Clinton did with his intern put anyone else(aside from his wife) at risk. The investigation into who leaked Valerie Plame's name to the media which could have put our intelligence at risk was a REAL investigation. There was a true reason for the investigation--not just a right wing obsession about a president's sex life.

If you aren't angry, you aren't paying attention! Get with it people. Call, write, email! Let them know how you feel.

Most of all, please get out there and VOTE. I'm so disgusted, I just don't think I can write anything else.

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