Monday, June 18, 2007

A real fear

As a mom, I'm worried. My kids are 14 and 11 and I'm afraid of what the world is going to be like for them by the time they're my age if something doesn't start changing soon! My son is 11 and will have to register for the draft in just 7 short years. Will we be out of Iraq by then? My fear is we won't. My biggest fear is the draft will be reinstated and he will be taken away to fight in some war we don't agree with. How would I cope with that?

My thoughts go to all the moms out there--moms like Cindy Sheehan--who have lost their sons in this unnecessary war. I stood against this "war" from the beginning. I didn't see a need. Whatever happened to diplomacy? When did the US become such a bully? I think I know the answer to that question. It was on Jan. 20, 2001.

We've lost well over 3000 of our young men in Iraq and Afghanistan, but how about those who have returned without limbs or with debilitating injuries? Those are many, many more thousand. I don't want my child to be one of those. I don't want anyone's child to be one of those.

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