Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Bush vetoes stem cell legislation

While it isn't exactly a surprise, it's certainly another example of this administration's total lack of concern for what the majority in this country view as important. This infuriates me! The quality of life for so many could be improved with advancement in stem cell research. We could even find a cure for such awful diseases as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's! Why do we want to stop that if it's done in a responsible way? I don't understand.

Embryos are destroyed almost every day in fertility clinics around the country. Why shouldn't they be used for good? I don't understand.

We have babies born with awful diseases. We have elderly people with debilitating illnesses and we are supposed to take some moral high ground and let them suffer because it's "God's will?" I don't understand.

This administration confuses me. There is some desire to preserve the sanctity of life, but since we invaded Iraq over 650,000 Iraqis have died. Where is the moral high ground in that argument? Is an embryo's "life" more important than a 2 yr old Iraqi child's life?

I just don't understand.

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